BG3: How to rescue Wulbren and the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers
We're off on another rescue mission!
After successfully saving the tieflings in the Druid Grove and Wulbren's Ironblood Gnomes from Grymforge in Baldur's Gate 3, the former will have made their way through the Shadow Cursed Lands and set up a temporary home at the Last Light Inn. Alas, you’ll soon learn that this journey didn’t go smoothly, as some of the tieflings have been captured and taken to Moonrise Towers.
So, it then becomes your job to go and rescue the tieflings from Moonrise Towers, and while you’re at it, you’ll need to consider Wulbren and finding Zevlor, too. Without further ado, here’s how to rescue Wulbren and the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers.
How to rescue Wulbren and the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers in Baldur’s Gate 3
First things first, to kick off the quest to rescue the tieflings from Moonrise Towers, you’ll want to speak with Cerys and/or Alfira at the Last Light Inn. Both of them will inform you that some of the tieflings were captured, and will request your help with rescuing them from the Cult of the Absolute.
This is provided that you rescued the tieflings at Druids Grove during Act 1. If not, these guys will have already met their demise.

How to prepare to rescue the Tieflings from Moonrise Towers in Baldur’s Gate 3
Before embarking on this quest or venturing further than the Moonrise Towers, we also recommend completing the quest to wake up Art Cullagh, and speaking with Isobel at the Last Light Inn first.
Waking up Art Cullagh will kick off the quest to lift the shadow curse, which will also finally unlock Halsin as a recruitable companion. If you race ahead without completing this quest, we’re not entirely sure when, or if, there is another opportunity to recruit Halsin.
As for Isobel, she can give you the Blessing of Selune, which will protect you from the lesser-effects of the shadow curse. That said, a battle will ensue after speaking with her, and you’ll want to do your best to keep her alive. If Isobel dies, the shadow curse will slowly but surely kill everyone, including important NPCs you might need later.
In addition, you do not want to find Ketheric’s Relic before rescuing the tieflings if you have this quest in your journal. If you do track down the relic, when you return to Moonrise Towers, the assault on it will have already started and you won’t be able to free the tiefling prisoners.
So, you’ll have to go to the towers to complete this quest, then find Ketheric’s Relic, and then return back here to start the assault. I learnt this the hard way… God bless autosave!
Now, with all of that out of the way, let’s actually go about saving the tieflings!
Once you’ve wrapped things up at the Last Light Inn, you want to venture left of the Inn’s exit and towards Reithwin Town. You’ll pass through the Tollhouse to get here, and will need the Moonlantern if you want to stay safe from the shadow curse.
From the Tollhouse, keep advancing south until you run into the Moonrise Towers Waypoint. Grab it for a convenient fast-travel spot, and make your way inside.

When you approach, provided the assault on Moonrise Towers hasn’t started, you’ll be able to speak with the guards and persuade them that you’re one of the Absolute’s cultists and you wish to speak to Ketheric Thorm. No checks are needed here; just don’t start to threaten them!
You’ll now be free to explore this portion of Moonrise Towers as you please. The tieflings we’re hoping to rescue are trapped in the prison downstairs. So, once inside the main room, venture into the first door on your right.

Through the door, you’ll see puddles of blood leading to a staircase. If you haven’t yet rested, we recommend doing so now, as this next area will end in a battle.
When you’re ready, make your way down the stairs.

Advance to the back of the prison, where you’ll spot the tieflings immediately, as well as gnome, Wulbren, if you didn’t leave him to die at Grymforge.

Speak to Wulbren, who’ll present you with a cunning plan if you can pass a Persuasion check. That said, the guards won’t appreciate you talking with the prisoners, so you’ll need to pass a Persuasion check with them, too, to carry out your conversation.
If both checks are successful, Wulbren will tell you that if he can get his hands on some sort of tool to smash his way out of here, he can free everyone from their cells.
In the middle of the prison, in the tower with The Warden, you can find Wulbren's hammer on the top floor. Grab it, then speak with him again to give it to him. When the guards aren’t looking, he’ll get to work freeing the gnomes and tieflings from their cells.
Once the captives escape, however, the guards will gear up for battle. This is where Wulbren’s plan isn’t so cunning; while the captives will fight alongside you, they can also die in the process.
So, alternatively, you can fight with the guards first, and then free the tieflings and gnomes once the coast is clear. This way, there’s no risk of any NPCs dying in the process, but it’s up to you which you’d rather do.

Once the battle is over and the captives have been rescued, they’ll head over to the boats to make their escape. Provided they survived, go and talk to them and tell them to return to the Last Light Inn.
At Last Light, get the prisoners to acquiesce to a scan from the Harpers and they're home free.

Then, make your way over there and speak with the NPCs that you rescued to claim your rewards. I spoke with Alfira and Lakrissa, and was rewarded with the following items for their rescue:
- Potent Robe
- 451 Gold
- Scroll of Stinking Cloud
- Scroll of See Invisibility
- Scroll of Hold Person
- Potion of Invisibility
- Oil of Accuracy
- Antidote
- Holy Water
- Alchemist’s Fire
Talk to Bex and Danis and you will get some lovely homemade cookies for your trouble.
Finally, speak to Lia and you will find that Rolan is missing out in the Shadow Curse looking for them.
Look on your map and you will see a marked area to the south of the Shadow-cursed Lands.
Toddle over there and you will find Rolan beset by Shadows. Make a save for you attempt to save him because he can easily die in the encounter if you're unlucky.
Intervene in the fight and defeat the two shadows, then speak to Rolan. He will return to the Last Light Inn, completing the quest and saving all of the Tieflings that can be found in Moonrise Towers.
Now, if you want to track down Zevlor and lift the shadow curse, I recommend wrapping things up at the Last Light Inn and Reithwin Town, finding Ketheric’s Relic, and then going to kill Ketheric Thorm.