Best Diablo 4 Druid build | best skills, skill tree, and aspects
Embrace nature and breeze through Diablo IV with this druid build!
Update: We've finally made it to the full release of Diablo 4, which means we can finally get deep into the Druid class and all its grizzly details.
If you're keen to take up the mantle of the Druid with nature on your side, our best Diablo 4 Druid build will help you out! This includes the best Druid skills, our druid skill tree build, and legendary aspects you should use.
In this guide, we'll go through and list the skills you should use, as well as where you should invest your skill points and the Spirit Animal bonuses you should focus on!
- Diablo 4 | Best Druid build
- Diablo 4 | Best Druid skills
- Diablo 4 | Druid skill tree
- Diablo 4 | Druid spirit animal bonuses
- Diablo 4 | Druid legendary aspects
Diablo 4 | Best Druid build
For this build, we're going all in on the Werebear form! The Pulverize skill, specifically speaking. this ability when built around can become a great foundation for a powerful werebear build, allowing you to deal huge amounts of melee damage across all manner of content.
Also, it lets you experience one of the more entertaining aspects of the Druid class: transformation! You could absolutely play the class as nature spell caster and do well, but we wanted to do something that separates the class from your typical Sorcerer playstyle.
Diablo 4 | Best Druid skills

Below are the skills we recommend you take with this Werebear build!
- Maul
- Pulverize
- Debilitating Roar
- Poison Creeper
- Trample
- Grizzly Rage
Diablo 4 | Druid skill tree
We below taking skill upgrades in the following order, from level 1 to 50. While you can gain additional skill points from Altars of Lilith and other exploration rewards, we're just going to cover the core 50. Additional skill point suggestions are presented below the list:
- Maul
- Enhanced Maul
- Wild Maul
- Pulverize
- Enhanced Pulverize
- Raging Pulverize
- Debilitating Roar
- Enhanced Debilitating Roar
- Preserving Debilitating Roar
- Pulverize +1
- Pulverize +2
- Poison Creeper
- Enhanced Poison Creeper
- Ferocious Poison Creeper
- Pulverize +3
- Pulverize +4
- Trample
- Enhanced Trample
- Natural Trample
- Predatory Instinct
- Iron Fur
- Iron Fur +1
- Iron Fur +2
- Grizzly Rage
- Prime Grizzly Rage
- Supreme Grizzly Rage
- Mending
- Mending +1
- Mending +2
- Provocation
- Provocation +1
- Provocation +2
- Defensive Posture
- Ursine Strength
- Nature's Resolve
- Unrestrained
- Quickshift
- Heightened Senses
- Heightened Senses +1
- Heightened Senses +2
- Maul
- Crushing Earth
- Stone Guard
- Stone Guard +1
- Stone Guard +2
- Safeguard
- Safeguard +1
- Safeguard +2
When you get more skill points, invest them into Crushing Earth, as well as Maul and other skills to boost your damage.
Diablo 4 | Druid spirit animal bonuses
As you progress through the game, you'll unlock the Druid class feature at level 15: Spirit Boons. You'll then be able to unlock a variety of passive bonuses. You'll be able to activate two at once, and we recommend the following boons to benefit this build.
- Iron Feather - Eagle spirit bond path
- Obsidian Slam - Snake spirit bond path
Diablo 4 | Druid legendary aspects
For this build to excel, you'll want to head out and hunt down the following legendary aspects. You can use them to craft and use legendary gear, that'll provide some incredibly useful bonuses. For this build, we recommend you get the Aspect of Ursine Horror as fast as you can, as it provides the most significant increase in damage in combonation
- Aspect of the Ursine Horror - Pulverize is now also an Earth skill. After casting Pulverize, tectonic spikes continue to deal damage over 2 seconds.
- Aspect of the Trampled Earth - Trample now summons 6 Landslide pillars of earth during its duration. Trample is now also a Nature Magic and Earth Skill.
- Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast - The duration of Grizzly Rage is increased. In addition, Critical Strikes while Grizzly Rage is active increase your Critical Strike Damage for the duration.
If you're looking to read more about Diablo 4, check out our Diablo 4 review here! You can also check out our guides on how to get a horse in Diablo 4!