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Absurd Power Diablo 4’s Season 5 will boost Uniques to ridiculous levels, and will finally have Infernal Hordes live up to its name with challenging, overwhelming waves
Redefining Hell Watch Blizzard talk Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR effect, and what's happening to Uniques here today
Hellish Drops Diablo 4 Season of the Infernal Hordes kicks off next week, and it’s bringing 50 pieces of new gear, a new horde mode-style co-op activity, and more
Unique Love Diablo 4 may be in for a wild Season 5, at least when it comes to Uniques
Closer and Closer Blizzard will talk Diablo 4 Season 5, and how the recent PTR will affect the upcoming season next week
Pal to Crus to... ? Yes, Blizzard knows you want a sword-and-board class in Diablo 4 but no, the Spiritborn is not it
Hatred Anew Everyone agrees Vessel of Hatred is going to change Diablo 4's level cap, but no one is sure about the specifics
Martial, Mystical Spiritborn is the acrobatic new Diablo 4 class that calls upon four spirit animal buddies