Dragon's Dogma 2 How to unlock Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations
In order to unlock the first two extra Vocations in DD2, you'll need to find the greatsword and archistaff locations in Vocation Frustration.
Unlocking Dragon's Dogma 2 Warrior vocation and Sorcerer vocation is a bit different than you might expect. We've already told you about Dragon’s Dogma 2 best starting vocation, but if you wanted to experiment with more classes, you're going to have to put a bit of legwork in - and we don't just mean leveling up and fighting monsters.
You can unlock more classes later in the game – like the powerful Mystic Spearhand – but to begin with you will have a choice of four: Archer, Mage, Thief, Fighter. Warrior and Sorcerer act as a nice stop-gap between the vocations, if you know how to access them.
But in order to get access to these more powerful versions of Fighter and Mage, you have to complete a quest, first: Vocation Frustration.
Our Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocation Frustration guide explains where to find the greatsword and archistaff so you can unlock Warrior and Sorcerer.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocation Frustration: How to unlock Warrior and Sorcerer
How to unlock Warrior and Sorcerer in Dragon's Dogma 2
In order to gain access to these new classes, you must raid a goblin's lair in order to hunt down the greatsword and archistaff. Once you've added these items to your inventory, simply return to the Vernworth Vocation Guild, hand over your items, and unlock two new Vocations.
But because the map can be a bit obtuse, and the items hard to find, we're offering some help. Read on to learn how to get the Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2, and how to complete Vocation Frustration.
Where to find the Vocation Furstration quest
In order to kick off the Vocation Frustration quest, you'll have to find the Vocation Guild in Vernworth. It's more or less in the middle of town – under the Stardrop Inn an generally to the right of the tavern. It's denoted by a black, white, and yellow sign, and the vendor can usually be found standing at the front desk (just be aware he may not be there at night).

Chat to the vendor, or Klaus to use his proper name, and he will hint that the guild is unable to change adventuring heroes' vocation to either Warrior or Sorcerer because archistaves (needed for Sorcerers) and greatswords (needed for Warriors) are currently out of stock. Oh no!
You now need to go chat to Roderick – vendor at the local armoury – who gives you the quest proper. He can be found flanking the main coutryard where the dragon statue is, behind a store with a red sign featuring a sword.
Trevo Mine location in Dragon's Dogma 2
Turns out, goblins nicked all the gear. It's always goblins, innit. Luckily, their lair is nearby; they've nestled into the old Trevo Mine, West of Vernworth. To get there, simply head West over the massive aqueduct-like Vernworth bridge, and following the paths West until you reach the mine. It'll take a few minutes of real-life walking to get there. And don't travel at night.

We recommend waiting until you pick up Brant's quests. One of his monster culling tasks sends you to Trevo anyway, so you'll save some trekking by tackling both of these at once.
There are a few ways to get into the mine, but approach the location from the south if you want to get the requested items. You probably won't be able to find the other entrances yet, anyway, but the one you want will be automatically marked on your map when you take the Vocation Frustration – or Monster Culling, provided by Brant – quests.
Where to find the greatsword in Dragon's Dogma 2
The greatsword location is a little ways into the mine. Make your way through the tunnels, fighting off goblins as you go, until you reach the first fork.

Take the path to your right - the one you have to climb some rocks for - and it'll eventually dump you in a large, circular room with some goblins waiting to ambush you. Defeat the goblins, and open the black chest at the northern end of the room to get the greatsword.

Where to find the archistaff in Dragon's Dogma 2
The archistaff is a bit harder to find. Head to the back of the mine, the large, open chamber with a bridge. If you're on the top level where the bridge is, climb or jump down to the ground level.

Look toward the room's north end, and you'll see a small entrance. Head into it, turn right, and you'll find the black chest containing the archistaff.

Take both weapons back to the armorer, visit the vocation guild again, and you're good to go. The first time you change to sorcerer or warrior, you'll automatically get a set of starting equipment, so you don't have to worry about stocking up beforehand.
If you're after more Dragon's Dogma 2 help, check out our guides for how to know when you're in a timed quest, how to fast travel around the vast open world, and how to complete the rather confusing Heel of History quest.