Dragon's Dogma 2: How to revive dead NPCs and where to find them
When things go wrong, here's you make them right with some lovely wakestones.
In Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll more likely than not end up killing an NPC. Sometimes it won't be your fault - a gryphon will swoop in and snatch their life away. Othertimes, well...
As such, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with how to revive NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2.
You can either revive an NPC the moment you find them, or wait until their body is whisked away to a morgue in a major city. Either way you'll need Wakestones, which are a scarce resource solely used for reviving dead NPCs across the world.
How to revive dead NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2
The basics of reviving an NPC in Dragon's Dogma 2 is to find the body of the NPC you'd like to revive, and interact with it. If you have a wakestone in your inventory, you'll be able to consume it and bring them back to life. Simple.

The tricky part comes with both locating wakestones to use (as they're a limited resource), and locating the dead NPC themselves. After a set amount of time, dead NPCs are transported to the nearest morgue to be buried. For example, if a farmer is killed in the farms outside Vernworth, then you'll be able to find them in the Vernworth city morgue. You can identify these morgues on your map by the coffin symbol on your map.

In order to revive an NPC found in a Morgue, speak to the Morgue worker inside the Morgue. They'll give you an option to look for a body, at a price. You'll have to pay this if you want to revive an NPC and it can cost a hefty sum, so it's always best to revive dead NPCs straight away if you can.
Once you've paid to look for a body, you can select one to look at from the menu that pops up. Doing so will cause the Morgue worker to walk up to a grave and light a candle. Once they've done so, you can open this grave to find the NPC inside. Simply use a wakestone and the chosen NPC will be brought back to life, and will return to their normal life.
That completes our quick guide on how to revive NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2! For more guides on the game, check out our articles on how to get the sorcerer and warrior vocations, as well as whether you should give Sven the money on the Ornate box quest.