Dragon's Dogma 2 Medicament Predicament: Should you help Flora?
An early Dragon's Dogma 2 side-quest sees a cheerful young woman asking for your help — but should you get involved?
Dragon's Dogma 2 is packed full of side-quests and exploration activities, allowing you to spend long periods of time ignoring the main story and just enjoying the massive variety of its open world if that's what you prefer. However, you're not obliged to take on every single side-quest you encounter — in fact, the game explicitly cautions you against agreeing to too many quests at once — and sometimes you might be left conflicted about whether it would be better to refuse a request.
A very early example of this conundrum comes when you're waylaid in the village of Melve by a young girl called Flora, who asks for you to share a few simple items with her. But given that resources are tight this early on, and that Flora herself seems a little shady, what should you do?
As with all quest walkthroughs, beware story spoilers from here on in, albeit incredibly minor ones in this instance.
Should you help Flora in Dragon's Dogma 2?
Early on in Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll arrive in the village of Melve, where you'll be prompted to visit Runne's Apothecary. Standing outside is a young girl called Flora, a trainee apothecary who offers you a fairly straightforward side-quest: obtain for her a Fruit Roborant healing item.

Fruit Roborant is easy to obtain even at this early point in the game. Your pawns will likely remind you that you could just go straight into the shop and buy one. But you probably have the means to make it yourself — all it takes is a handful of Dried Fruit (made by combining any two fresh fruits) and a sprig of Greenwarish, all abundant in the wilderness around Melve. So it's really a matter of whether you'd rather spend Gold or resources to help a stranger at this stage.
However, you might find yourself thinking that Flora seems a bit too sweet and innocent to be believed (that eerily wide grin isn't doing her any favours), and you'd be forgiven for wondering if accepting this quest isn't going to result in a nasty surprise.
But rest assured, there isn't that much depth at play just yet. As one of the first optional side-quests you'll encounter in the game, Medicament Predicament is an easy one to complete, and does reap rewards for you down the line. So I strongly recommend accepting the quest and helping Flora.
Rewards for helping Flora
While Flora doesn't initially have anything to pay you back with, you'll eventually be rewarded rather handsomely compared to the effort you put in to help her.
Upon reaching the city of Vernworth, you'll encounter Flora's grandfather Auriol in the merchant's quarter — who, if you helped his beloved granddaughter out earlier, will happily reward you with a permanent discount on all of the wares at his apothecary stall.

Furthermore, Flora herself will pop up at some point during your explorations of the city and hand you a Chirurgeon's Tome, which can be taught to your main pawn in order to grant a Specialization allowing them to autonomously use healing items on the members of your party.

(Fair warning, Flora can pop up pretty much anywhere to deliver the tome to you — she caught me the first time in the inn just after I woke up, and after a reload barged into a noble's house I was not-so-subtly looting — both minor jumpscares, if I'm honest. That grin.)
For more advice on the Arisen's journey, you might like to know how to fast travel in Dragon's Dogma 2, or indeed how Dragon's Dogma 2's save system actually works.