Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand Vocation: How to unlock one of the best classes in the game
The Mystic Spearhand is a great all-rounder class to use in DD2, but you need to complete a few tasks before you can use it.
Dragon's Dogma 2 is mainly about two things: pawns and vocations. The pawn system can be a knotty beast, so we’ve explained that in our Dragon’s Dogma 2 pawn guide at the link. As for vocations, well, they’re a job system by any other name – if you’ve played other RPGs, you’ll have a good understanding of how different classes work in Dragon’s Dogma 2 (and if you need a hand with the best starting vocations, we've got you there, too).
The vocation system can be a complicated thing if you over-think it, but at its core it’s relatively simple. There are 10 classes you can choose from, and each have their own strengths and weaknesses – some are great when you get up-close-and-personal, some excel at range, and some are pretty decent no matter where on the battlefield you find yourself.
The Mystic Spearhand is the latter. In fact, it’s one of the best classes in the game. So we’re going to help you find it, equip it, and make the most of it.
What is the Mystic Spearhand vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

The Mystic Spearhand is my personal favourite class in the game. It’s a balanced offensive unit, allowing you as a player to attack with powerful, flashy melee moves and ranged magick attacks. Per the game’s official description, here’s what a Mystic Spearhand is defined as:
“The Mystic Spearhand, a vocation available only to the Arisen, combines melee and magick, making them a well-balanced vocation that is effective from any range. The Mystic Spearhand is a master of their unique weapon, the Duospear. Using magick, they can paralyze enemies or hurl multiple objects at them.”
Given that this vocation is unavailable to pawns, you can see just how powerful and varied it can be – having a team of four Mystic Spearhands would be absolute carnage, no doubt, so Capcom limited you to just one per party. Smart.
Mystic Spearhand is quite similar to the Mystic Knight in the first Dragon’s Dogma, although in this game it seems you can only wield the Darth Maul-like double-ended blade in battle, rather than having access to staves, too.
Though your armory is limited, your options are not – you can manipulate enemies at a distance, use a Force Push-like move to shunt them into each other, and charge floating blades to pepper your quarry with damage as you wail on them with melee bombast. It’s a very fun class to use.
How to unlock the Mystic Spearhand vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2
You won’t have access to the vocation from the outset of the game. You’ll need to unlock it by finding an NPC called Sigmund. Dragon's Dogma is a bit weird, so where he first appears may vary from game to game. But here are two ways we've managed to encounter him.
In a house in Harve

You can do this method from the very beginning of the game, once you get out of the excavation site and first make your way to Vernworth. From here, you will need to head to a small town called Harve, where you’ll immediately be tasked with killing some saurians upon your arrvial (don’t worry; this is a very simple fight that’s a cakewalk for a full team of an Arisen and three pawns).
The main story will have you visit this little coastal town soon enough, but if you want to head there right away, you simply need to take the large bridge North-West out of Vernworth, then head West on the first path you can. You’ll eventually get to a cavern system called ‘Trevo Mine’ – a key area in a later quest. From here, head south, and you’ll soon see Harve on a small peninsula on the South-Western tip of the continent.

As soon as you enter, you’ll being a quest called Scaly Invaders, which asks you to repel the Saurians from the village. It’s highly likely you’ll do this alongside a flashy fighter called Sigurd – a black human male with a dual-ended spear. Finish off the Saurians, and approach Sigurd. If he’s not milling around in the aftermath of the fight, he’s trotted off to his little shack (at the Eastern-most tip of the village).
Approach him, and ask about his fighting style. If he saw you fend off the scaly menace in the fight, he’ll instantly agree to teach you the ways of the Mystic Spearhand – you can head to the neary pub, The Coastal Inn, and take it on there.
Fend off the dragon in Melve

Alternatively, you can encounter Sigurd by fighting off the diseased dragon in Melve. This small town can be located North and slightly West of Vernworth (though you most likely will get there by following a path North of the city, around a mountain, in order to get there).
When you arrive in the township for the first time, you'll need to fend off a dragon – not the same one you've encountered before, but a smaller, more woeful foe. It's a tricky fight, but you have about 12 NPCs by your side. Your best bet is flanking the beast, and flining spells or arrows at the diseased pustules on its body (growing on its tail, legs, and belly for me).
If you're a melee fighter, jump and grab onto the dragon, crawl to the festering sores and pop them. It'll do wild damage, and make the fight go much quicker.
During the fight, Sigurd will be present – if he doesn't die in the battle, you can talk to him after, and he will teach you the ways of the Mystic Spearhand as thanks.
If you cannot locate him here, head to his little house in Harve (detailed above) and he may be there. Try both daytime and nighttime. Failing that – I'm sorry – you may need to go and check the morgue in Vernmouth. Make sure to take a Wakestone.
Mystic Spearhand – best early build, best skills and augments

Obviously, buildcrafting is a matter of personal taste, but I’ve gotten through about 30 hours of Dragon’s Dogma 2 with a Mystic Spearhand with the following moves:
Weapon Skills:
- Dragoun's Stabble/Dragoun's Foin
- Seching Blade/Seching Storm
- Skiedragoun's Fangtooth/Skiedragoun's Feste
- Magick Sperepelote
- Mettle
- Provocation
- Vitality
- Conveyance
- Opulence
- Polarity
Mystic Spearhand – how to play Mystic Spearhand, best tactics

This build ensures a wide variety of options suitable for any encounter; for smaller foes, a series of chopping and dashing melee attacks work wonders (with Dragoun’s Foin allowing you to easily chase down foes slightly further afield). You can crowd control with ease thanks to the vocation’s innate Magick Twein skill (chain regular attacks into this to one-two close enemies with distant ones).
The real ace-in-the-hole, I’ve found, is Magick Sperepelote – you will need to level the vocation a little before you can use it, though. Once mastered, you can stand back from the fray and soak up a load of stamina to unleash a powerful bolt of magic at smaller foes (usually killing them in one go) or aimed at weak spots on bigger foes to do serious damage and knock them off balance, opening the way for your pawns to unleash hell on them. It can be aimed manually, and really packs a punch once you get used to the timing.
Skiedragoun's Fangtooth/Skiedragoun's Feste are ideal for players that like to ally-oop over enemy moves – leaping over dragon’s fire and the club swings of cyclops is a particular blast. The added damage you do if you land on an enemy mid-attack is a nice ‘well done’ bonus from the game. You can activate this in mid-air, too, making it a great follow up from climbing onto bigger monsters.