ER Shadow of the Erdtree Scadutree Fragment locations
Need an extra boost in Shadow of the Erdtree? That’s where Scadutree Fragments come in.
UPDATE: We have updated this page with the locations of more Scadutree Fragments.
Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion comes with some new difficulty modifiers - Scadutree Fragments - that it definitely encourages you to use. This is a great help to those who’s builds aren’t quite where you want them to be, and saves you from spending your time Rune farming for levels when really, you probably want to be following Miquella’s trail.
Scadutree Fragments are your bread and butter then, and pretty much take the place of the likes of Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears in this DLC, found in key locations that are hard to miss. Though, there are some that lay off the beaten path which you may want to seek out. Here’s all known Scadutree Fragment locations in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree.
How to use Scadutree Fragments in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Before we dish out all the Scadutree Fragment locations in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree, let’s establish how to use them. Much like any upgrades to your Crimson or Cerulean Flasks, any Shadow Realm Blessings - which include Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes - upgrades have to be applied to your character at a Site of Grace.
Initially, these will cost one or two Fragments, but they gradually bump up in cost. Once you have applied the upgrade, you’ll find that your damage negation and outgoing attack damage is improved, making things across the Shadow Lands a little more manageable. This also cannot be undone, and the same applies to Revered Spirit Ashes.
It might be tempting to try to make your way through the Shadow Lands without any upgrades, but it is highly encouraged to use these where you can; things can get tough out there, and these Fragments save you a hell of a lot of Rune farming. By all means, you don’t have to use all of the upgrades available to you, and can pause or halt your Scadutree Fragment upgrades whenever you feel like it.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Scadutree Fragment Locations
At the time of writing, we’re led to believe that there are a total of 20 Scadutree Fragment upgrades to acquire in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree. We haven’t yet found them all, but below, we have listed every single Scadutree Fragment we have ran into so far, alongside a screenshot of where you can expect to find it on the map.
We’ve, of course, tried our best to do these in a linear order that makes sense, but as you collect your first few fragments and venture into Belurat Tower Settlement and beyond, please be cautious of spoilers. Specifically, map and Site of Grace spoilers more than anything, as I’ll do my best to not mention any story of boss-related spoilers here.
Three-Path Cross
One can be found by the Three-Path Cross Site of Grace, north of the Scorched Ruins.

Main Gate Cross
One can be found by the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace.

Prospect Town Shadow Pot
One Scadutree Fragment is dropped by another undead, sparkly pot-man found near Prospect Town. This area is very close to where you first enter the DLC, but to get there, you'll need to clamber up the cliffside from the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace.

Church of Consolidation
Two more can be found by the Church of Consolidation, which is east of the first Site of Grace, Gravesite Plain.

Gravesite Plains Shadow Pot
There is a spectral enemy holding a pot (he’ll also sparkle!) just east of the Scorched Ruins. Attack him quickly to receive a Scadutree Fragment, and look out for these shiny pot-wielding fellas. They don’t always drop Scadutree Fragments, but often drop something useful.

Belurat Tower Settlement Miquella's Cross 1
Another is found on an altar in the entrance to Belarut Tower Settlement, just past the Miquella’s Cross at the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace, where you’ll be ambushed by multiple Spider Scorpions.

Belurat Tower Settlement Miquella's Cross 2
In Belurat, you’ll find a room full of Spider Scorpions if you go left of the rooftops (where all the Gravebirds lurk). Rather than go into the room of Spider Scorpions - which you’ll easily recognise as a bunch of small Spider Scorpions come rushing at you from its entrance - climb the rubble to your right. Go through the door here and take care of the pests, and there’ll be a Miquella’s Cross with a Fragment just up ahead.

Pillar Path Cross
One can be found by the Pillar Path Cross Site of Grace.

Scaduview Cross
Another Fragment is found at Scaduview Cross, and this one can be quite easy to miss. Head south of Moorth Ruins, where you'll find a Ghostflame Dragon. Head east of the dragon to the cliffside to find a Sealed Spiritspring. The rocks to unseal it are just a little further ahead around the corner.

Then, travel up the Spiritspring and keep heading south. You'll see the Cross in the distance.

Castle Front Statue
Beside the Castle Front Site of Grace, which - surprise, surprise - is in front of Castle Ensis, there’s a headless statue of Marika where one Fragment can be found. Look southwest of the Grace, towards the bridge, to see it on your left.

Castle Ensis Checkpoint
One can be found by the Castle Ensis Checkpoint Site of Grace, where there is another one of Miquella’s Crosses.

For what it’s worth, we’re now approaching Fragments in areas that are beyond Gravesite Plain, so stop reading here if you don’t want to know about more of the map!
Cerulean Coast Cross
One can be found by the Cerulean Coast Cross Site of Grace. Here's how to get the Map Fragment for the Cerulean Coast.

Demi-Human Cave in Cerulean Coast
One is found inside a small cave of demi-humans near Cerulean Coast West Site of Grace. Go northeast through the ravine and then go along the left path (the right is a dead-end, but you can get a sword here). Then, keep to the right cliff-face, and you’ll soon come to a small cave containing the Fragment and some enemies.

Hidden Charo's Grave Hippotamus
Yes, there are a few of these guys that you'll need to fight if you want all Scadutree Fragments in Shadow of the Erdtree. This particular boss is found in a pool of water to the southwest of the area.

Highroad Cross
One can be found by the Highroad Cross Site of Grace, accessible just after beating the Castle Ensis boss.

Church of Crusade
Two more Fragments can be acquired from the Church of Crusade, northeast of the Highroad Cross.

Scadu Altus Encampment 1
Slightly west of Moorth Ruins, you will find a small encampment with a Statue of Marika that possesses another Scadutree Fragment.

Scadu Altus Encampment 2
If you head north of the Highroad Cross and explore the encampment directly east of the Church of Crusade, you will find another Scadutree Fragment. This Fragment was on a wall by the front of the encampment for me, after the Furnace Golem destroyed most of the place.

Moorth Ruins Cross
One is found at Moorth Ruins, east of Castle Ensis, alongside another one of Miquella’s Crosses and Dryleaf Dane.

Moorth Ruins Pool
If you make your way to the small pool north of Moorth Ruins, you’ll find another Fragment on a Statue of Marika, and a cave ahead that you should definitely explore.
Moorth Ruins Shadow Pot
Another spectral, pot-carrying enemy lurks around Moorth Ruins. Kill him quickly to get another Scadutree Fragment.

Shadow Keep Main Gate Boss
Two more fragments are dropped by the boss that guards Shadow Keep’s main gate. You can’t miss him unless you really try.
Shadow Keep, Church District Drowned Statue
To get to this Fragment, you'll need to pay a visit to Shadow Keep's Church District. In the center of the area, you should see a statue with an item in its hand, surrounded by water.

Now, jumping into the water will kill you, but if you explore the paths beside the statue, one will lead you to a lever that lowers the water in the area.
After lowering the water, you can jump onto the statue and grab the fragment without falling to your death.

Specimen Storehouse Fourth Floor Cross
In the Specimen Storehouse of Shadow Keep (which is accessible via the Keep or via the Church District to the east of it), there is a Miquella’s Cross and another Fragment on the Fourth Floor.

Specimen Storehouse Seventh Floor
While exploring the Specimen Storehouse, you’ll eventually be able to climb the structures in the middle to reach the Seventh Floor of the area. A Fragment is guarded by a Fire Knight on this floor, and you'll also eventually find Freyja here.
Shadow Keep Dark Chamber Entrance
Another Fragment can be found by making your way to the northwestern bridge at Shadow Keep, which leads to the Dark Chamber Entrance Site of Grace. After defeating the Fire Knight on the bridge and opening a door, you’ll see the Fragment. Make sure to take a left after grabbing it, though.

Shadow Keep Back Gate
If you spend some time venturing around Shadow Keep, you should run into the Back Gate Site of Grace. Another Fragment is found in front of the Statue of Marika here. There may or may not be a secret passage to the Hinterlands nearby, too...

Scadutree Chalice
Now, if you dare venture beyond the Back Gate, you’ll run into an unpleasant boss. Beat them, though, and make your way to the area behind their arena; you’ll find five Scadutree Fragments.
Near the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum
If you look for a ladder in Shadow Keep’s main plaza, you’ll be able to access the Castle Watering Hole, which leads to Ruins of Unte.
If you head to the waterfall to the south (where the Recluse's River Upstream Site of Grace is) and follow the path, you will eventually reach the Recluse's River Downstream Site of Grace.
Go back on yourself towards the Gravebirds and a coffin to the north, where you’ll find another Fragment. The Eastern Nameless Mausoleum can be accessed by platforming down from this area, too.
Recluse's River Downstream Hippopotamus
From the Recluse's River Downstream Site of Grace (which we explain how to get to in our Abyssal Woods Map Fragment guide), look down to your east where you'll see some gravestones to platform down. In the large lake at the bottom, you'll run into two Hippopotamus' bosses, and each one of them will drop a Fragment when felled.
Abandoned Church Ruins
The next two Scadutree Fragments are found in the Abandoned Church Ruins in Abyssal Woods; this is near both the Map Fragment for the area and the Church Ruins Site of Grace. You’ll get to this area after reaching Recluse’s River and traversing downwards, eventually ending up in the maze that is Darklight Catacombs. This spits you out in Abyssal Woods eventually.

Ancient Ruins of Rauh, East Cross
One can be found at the Ancient Ruins of Rauh, East Cross. This is easily accessed using the West Rampart at Shadow Keep, and traveling from the the Viaduct Minor Tower Site of Grace.

Ancient Ruins of Rauh East Hippopotamus
If you take the elevator that's near the Viaduct Minor Tower Site of Grace, you'll come to another Hippopotamus boss. Fell him to receive another Fragment.
If the lift currently does not work for you, you will need to go into the nearby ruins and make your way down to the base of the lift. Activating it here will get it working, so you can quickly return to the boss from the Grace if needed.

Ancient Ruins of Rauh West
Another Fragment is found near the Ancient Ruins of Rauh West Site of Grace, on the way to the area’s boss arena.
Ancient Ruins of Rauh Shadow Pot
There’s another shiny pot-shadow man to be found in the underground ruins in Rauh. Upon death, he’ll also drop a Fragment, but be careful of the Curseblade who also lurks in the same area.
Temple Town Ruins
If you make your way to Rauh via the small cave north of Moorth Ruins, you’ll eventually find yourself in Temple Town Ruins. Another Fragment can be found on a corpse inside the ruins, and to get inside, you simply need to use Torrent and hop over the wall from the nearby, smaller ruined buildings.

Jagged Peak
As you scale Jagged Peak, you'll come to an area where two boulders come rolling at you. Dodge the boulders, and pick up the Fragment from the corpse just ahead.

Spiral Rise Cross
One of the earliest spots you'll run into at Enir Ilim is the Spiral Cross of Miquella, where a Scadutree Fragment can be picked up.

Cleasing Room Antechamber
After making your way up Spiral Rise and advancing through Enir Ilim, you'll soon come to the Cleansing Room Antechamber Site of Grace where another Scadutree Fragment can be found.
Don't worry about missing this one, as it's en route to a very important fight.

Hidden Enir-Ilim Altar
Go down the staircase just before the Spiral Rise Cross, and kill the large Inquisitor enemy that is casting spells so you have an easier time navigating the place.
From the servant, take a left to find another staircase to go down. You'll come to a broken ledge (and a room containing the Inquisitor Ashes). If you look down to your left from the ledge, you'll see another staircase. Carefully jump down to it.
Go into the archway ahead with the chalice, and where the fence is broken, you can jump to another ledge. Keep left, and you'll find more archways to carefully clamber across. Think of this as a little similar to scaling the Divine Tower of Caelid.
Where there is a gap in the archway, hop down and continue ahead. There will be another pillar you can jump to, and then another large staircase to jump down to. At the bottom of the stairs, look directly south and jump into the small opening in the wall. You've reached safety! Well done.
Now, head outside and kill the Spider Scorpion, and the Scadutree Fragment can be collected from an altar here.
Stone Fissure Cross
Last, but not least (for now!), is the Fissure Cross in the Stone Coffin Fissure area. This is accessed by heading to the southmost point of the Cerulean Coast and platforming into the cavern there.

We’ll update this page with more locations as and when we’re aware of them, but this should be plenty of Scadutree Fragments to help you get started.
For more on Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree, take a look at our recommended boss order, where to get the Beast Claws, and how to skip Castle Ensis.