ER Shadow of the Erdtree Sir Ansbach quest walkthrough
Help Sir Ansbach find both the Crosses of Miquella and the answers he seeks!
A former devotee of Mohg, Lord of Blood, Sir Ansbach the retired Pureblood Knight is one of the central characters in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
Ansbach’s quest deals with the relationship between Miquella, Mohg and the Tarnished, and tasks you first with finding the scattered Crosses of Miquella before taking an unexpected turn.
Once Ansbach moves from his first location, it’s very easy to miss the rest of his quest and end up wondering where he got to. But so you can experience it all for yourself, here’s where to find him.
Sir Ansbach Quest Walkthrough
- Speak with Ansbach at the Gate Front Cross Site of Grace and he will ask you to tell him of nearby Crosses of Miquella you find.
- Interact with the Cross in Belurat, Tower Settlement and the Pillar Path Cross next to Thiollier across the Ellac Greatbridge, then return to Ansbach and tell him of their whereabouts.
- After you’ve defeated Rellana and visited the Black Keep, return to Ansbach and he will speak of his newfound misgivings about Miquella, before setting off on a fact-finding mission to settle his suspicions.
- Meet back up with Sir Ansbach on the First Floor of the Specimen Storehouse, where he’s having trouble locating what he needs.
- Make your way to the Storehouse, Fourth Floor Site of Grace, then collect the Secret Rite Scroll in the next room, continue upstairs to the Seventh Floor and speak to Freyja, who expresses her wish to speak to Ansbach
- Take the Secret Rite Scroll back to Ansbach on the First Floor and tell him about Freyja’s difficulties.
- Rest and return to Ansbach until his dialogue advances, both about the Scroll and Freyja’s predicament.
- Rest and return to Ansbach again until he gives you a letter for Freyja.
- If you advance Needle Knight Leda’s quest, at this point, free of Miquella’s influence, she becomes paranoid and vindictive, asking you to help her invade Ansbach.
- If you invade Ansbach he will not be present later in the story.
- If you aid Ansbach against Leda, you receive his bow, and he will stand as your ally later in the main story.
Ansbach Location 1
You first find Ansbach at the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace, in front of Belurat, Tower Settlement.

He stands next to the merchant, Moore, who also has his own, but unrelated, quest.
Ansbach Location 2

Next, you find Ansbach on the first floor of the Specimen Storehouse.

To reach the Specimen Storehouse, you need to ride east from the Highroad Cross, go down through Moorth Ruins, east through Bonny Village, then turn north. Ride west past Rabbath's Rise and the Cathedral and you will arrive at the Church District. Jump over the roofs in front of you to reach the main church, then inside there's an elevator on the northern side which leads down into the Storehouse.
To reach Ansbach, start at the Storehouse, Back Section Site of Grace, then drop down to the lower level using the bookcase on your left. This gets you to the Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace.

From here, walk forward around the left-hand side of the Divine Beast statue, watching out for an ambush on your right, then through the narrow passage.

Walk up the stairs in front of you, dodging the aggressive spellcasters. Then at the top, go left, then immediately right, down the stairs and past the skeleton display.

Here you find Ansbach searching the shelves of the Storehouse for the knowledge he seeks.
Where to find the Secret Rite Scroll

To get the Secret Rite Scroll for Ansbach, turn around from facing him and go back out up the stairs. Turn left, then immediately right and go up the stairs here.
Then go left and up the long staircase in front of you.
At the top, walk forward then bear right, hopping up to the higher level using the table in front of you.

On the balcony, hop onto the suspended giant statue and walk along its back to reach a higher level, where you see a Cross of Miquella and a Site of Grace.
From this Site of Grace, go out through the door that leads outside, then turn left.

Run past the Fire Knight and then go down the stone stairs on your left. In the room at the bottom, you find the Secret Rite Scroll.
Now, exit the room, go back up the stone stairs and continue along that path. Turn left to go back inside, then turn right and walk forward. Once you reach the stairs, go up two flights and you should see another Site of Grace in front of you. This is the Seventh Floor Site of Grace where you find Freyja.
Should you side with Ansbach or Leda?
Without delving too much into spoilers or the specific morality of the characters, you can consider helping Ansbach to be the “good” ending, while Leda’s is the “bad” ending to this quest.
If you help Ansbach in his hour of need, then he will help you out as an ally later in the story. You won’t miss out and get the best rewards by doing this - but you will still need to complete the other NPC quests to collect everything!