Fallout: London All to Pot Quest - How to escape the Gentry Prison
Here’s how to escape the Gentry Prison and free your fellow inmates while you’re at it in Fallout: London.
So you’ve wandered into Fallout: London’s Westminster and found yourself headed for the Palace, only to be turned away until you have a petition full of signatures from London’s wacky array of leaders. You spend your time doing just that, only for it to, well, be for nothing. As you venture down beneath the ‘Palace’, the All to Pot quest begins.
Your route to the Palace is revealed to not be that at all, and instead, your efforts as Wayfarer have landed you in a Gentry Prison, where inmates are incinerated and subject to all kinds of gruesome executions. In this guide, we explain exactly how to escape the Gentry Prison in Fallout: London’s All to Pot quest.
Fallout: London All to Pot Quest - How to escape the Gentry Prison
After wrapping up the lengthy Hear Ye, Hear Ye quest in an attempt to reach the Palace in Fallout: London, you’ll quickly find that you have been tricked by Agent Smythe and have been sent to Gentry Prison instead.
It’s here that you’re essentially readied up to be executed, but of course, you’re the Wayfarer and there’s no stopping you.

Once you wake up, speak to the Angel Trooper in front of your cell. Remember to turn your torch on, too, as the prison is prone to power cuts and often dark.
The Angel Trooper will reveal an ulterior motive — he actually wants you to escape and kill Smythe — so ask him as many questions as you can to aid with your escape. He will give you the Science Museum Lab Key before leaving, too, advising you to go there once you escape the Gentry Prison.

After the Trooper leaves, look under the bed in your cell and retrieve the Chisel.

Then, look at the wall to the right of the toilet. You will find that you can interact with it and use the Chisel to make a hole in the wall.

Crawl through the hole once it is done, and you will wind up in Nilson’s cell. Nilson is a great guy with a potty mouth, and he’s more than happy to aid with our escape. Ask him to cause a scene and distract the guards.
Soon enough, a masked guard will come running in. Beat him to a pulp and loot him of his Police Truncheon and the Block A Keys.
You can then use the keys to free all the fellow inmates, if you fancy.
Exit into the corridor that the guard previously ran from. On your right will be a door with a Master lock; if you can pick it, the room contains another guard and a choice of middling melee weapons.

After that, you want to head left down the corridor and into the Barracks. The chest containing all of your belongings is just at the end of this corridor, alongside another guard.

Advance ahead and go upstairs. To the left of the next room is another guard and a terminal where you can access some additional lore. To your right is multiple guards, and a gate with a lever beside it.

Use the lever to open the gate and head upstairs again. You’ll come to a door that allows you to move a secret bookshelf, and then exit into Scotland Yard; the key for the door is on the shelf right beside it.
As you exit into Scotland Yard, don’t worry about the police here. They’re none the wiser. Your companion, if you have one, will also run to greet you.
Voila! You have escaped Gentry Prison and can now make your way to the Science Museum.
For more on Fallout: London, take a look at how to cure Railway Spine if you haven’t got around to that yet, how to solve the Westminster Uni codebreaking quiz, and some of the best Perks you can acquire.