How to adopt Churchill the dog in Fallout: London
Oh, yes! Here’s how to adopt an English bulldog to accompany you on your Fallout: London adventure.
The Commonwealth had plenty of companions for you to love and loathe, so it comes as no surprise that the gargantuan mod, Fallout: London, offers some brand-new companions for you to befriend or dismiss. One such companion who you can adopt early on is Churchill the dog, who can be incredibly helpful for finding loot and sneaking past enemies.
He gets in the way sometimes, I’ll admit, but this adorable English bulldog is a companion you should spend some time with sooner or later. To help you out with doing just that, here’s how to adopt Churchill the dog in Fallout: London.
How to adopt Churchill the dog in Fallout: London
Churchill is one of the earliest companions you can run into in Fallout: London, found scrapping with some stray dogs outside of the Prilladog Food Factory shown below.

Make your way over to the area and help Churchill out against the stray dogs. Once you’ve cleared them out, a nearby Factory Guard begins shouting and hollering; speak with him.

He won’t be impressed that you killed his other dogs, but in a strange turn of events, he offers for you to take Churchill off his hands. How could you say no to the adorable English bulldog?
After adopting Churchill, you can give him commands and use his inventory as storage. He’ll also sniff out points of interest for you and alert you of enemies, making him a very good boy indeed.

It’s also very important to note that there is a known bug right now involving Churchill going AWOL, either randomly or when you dismiss him. He will leave your party and be stuck somewhere on the map, and you won’t be able to have him as a companion after this point; you can apparently still trade items with him and get your belongings back if you find him, however.
On Reddit, players have reported that you can use console commands to teleport you to Churchill's location so you can get your items back. He will still remain stuck where he is, however.
There is no known fix for this at the time of writing, and other players have reported that — if you dismissed Churchill while recruiting Archie — he can be found at the Ferryman Dockhouse. There is an option to re-recruit him here for some players, dismissing whoever your current companion is, but it quickly becomes clear that Churchill is stuck where he is and won't move. In some stranger instances, Churchill eventually turns into Dogmeat from Fallout 4.
If you want to keep Churchill around and have been affected by this issue, your best bet is reverting back to a save where he is not stuck, not dismissing him at any point, and hoping for the best. Here’s hoping there’s a fix from the FOLON team soon!
For an alternative early-game companion, see what Archie is up to.
For more on Fallout: London, take a look at how to stop the mod from crashing, how to use a Torch, and what the developers had to say about finally launching the project.