How to cure Lab Rat in Fallout: London
Curing Lab Rat means finding a peculiar piece of machinery in Fallout: London.
Fallout: London is a wasteland; one that's full of danger and precarious situations. But as you pop out into post-apocalyptic London, you arrive with a bang after your train crashes off its rails somewhere near Greenwich. The crash takes its toll, of course, leaving you with the Railway Spine and Lab Rat afflictions to cure.
Lab Rat is an affliction you won’t be able to cure until approximately six or seven hours into your playthrough. Even longer if you’re exploring off the beaten path and taking on side quests, so if you’re hoping to get patched up as soon as possible, you’ve come to the right place. No, I’m not a doctor, but this guide does explain how to cure Lab Rat in Fallout: London.
How to cure Lab Rat in Fallout: London
While curing Railway Spine is easily done by following the Vagabonds at the very beginning of Fallout; London, curing yourself of Lab Rat requires a touch more work.
When you’ve had enough of Sebastian Gaunt and co., you want to continue the main quest by heading to Thameshaven and meeting the mutant-like Thamesfolk. Help them out and you’ll meet the Ferryman, a fella who will later help us cross the Thames.
From this point onwards, you want to continue following the main quest, which means completing the following quests in order:
- Charybdis - this sees you helping the Thamesfolk and the Ferryman.
- Lands of the Seraph - this is where you meet companion, Archie, and visit the Monument Lab.
- Fidei Defensor - this has you heading to St. Paul’s Cathedral and clearing out some hooligans.
- Cold Case - you’ll go on a bit of a goose chase trying to find a ghoul known as Lazarus, who knows more about the laboratories we need to visit.
- Heavenslayer - this quest takes you to the Bank of England, then the Imperial War Museum, and later, Islington, to track down an Angel Laboratory.
It’s during the final quest listed above, Heavenslayer, where you’ll find a cure to Lab Rat. After visiting the Imperial War Museum and collecting a gas mask from the Tommies (after clearing out more hooligans for them at the Bank of England, of course), you’ll be sent to Islington via Hackney.
When you reach Hackney, you’ll be able to access Islington via the sewers. The sewer grate you need to climb into is marked on the below map of Hackney.

Once in the sewers, you’ll need to clear out some Ghouls and collect the Sewer Key, allowing you to enter a small room with a terminal and a locked door. The terminal will need hacking, revealing the code to the locked door, which you then need to hammer into the machine with buttons just beside the terminal.
The code is 1922.

After leaving the sewers, you will have to venture through a particularly perilous area to reach the Angel Lab in Islington; make sure your gas mask from the Tommies is equipped if it isn’t already, as this will protect you from tunnel cough.

Go via the Quarantine Zone marked on the above map and follow your quest marker to eventually enter Angel Underground Station.

You then want to run through the station, killing and looting as per, until you eventually wind up at a red, glowing entrance to the Angel Laboratory. It is, of course, not as straight-forward as being able to open this door, waltz in, and collect your cure, though. The door is locked.
From here, continue deeper into Angel Underground Station, running through the trains until you come to a large room full of equipment. Keep right, kill the Angel Conscript, and go through the following door to reach the Angel Laboratory.

Run through the lab until you come to a crossroads with two turrets. I recommend exploring both the left and right paths thoroughly to collect plenty of lore and loot. When you’re ready to continue the quest and cure yourself of Lab Rat, go straight from the crossroads and up the stairs.
Use the hand scanner to unlock the double doors, and in the following room, use the elevator to your right.

You’ll need to kill some more Clones at the bottom of the elevator, but there will be a locked door and a terminal on your right. Use the terminal to unlock the door and as you enter the following room, a self destruct sequence will begin.
You will now have 90 seconds to kill three Super Clones, before then placing your hand in yet another hand scanner at the end of the room.

Once you use the hand scanner, you will be cured of Lab Rat, and will simultaneously stop the self-destruct sequence. If you have already cured yourself of Railway Spine, this will wrap up the On The Mend quest.
For more on Fallout: London, take a look at all Factions in the game, all the Perks you can acquire, and how to get yourself a companion.