Genshin Impact Emilie kit and materials list
Everything you need to know about Emilie
Emilie’s kit in Genshin Impact lets her function in multiple roles depending on the team she's in. The 5-star Dendro character can take the stage as your main DPS or support someone else - ideally a Pyro someone else - with Dendro application.
None of that matters if she's not leveled up enough to meet the challenge, of course. Emilie's materials include several common Fontaine items, including one she shares with Furina, and Dendro gemstones from bosses in Sumeru, bosses who don't drop anything else Emilie needs.
Our Genshin Impact Emilie kit and materials guide lays out how Emilie works and what you need to get her to level 90. If you're after more help, check out our Emilie build guide for tips on her best setup.
Genshin Impact Emilie kit explained
Emilie’s kit is built for burning, with special buffs and even an extra attack that trigger only when that reaction occurs. However, if you don’t have Nahida and need someone to apply Dendro while off-field, you can make Emilie function well in that role instead. Sure, it’s not ideal, but her Lumidouce Case stays around for a while after she exits the field and applies Dendro, which you can use for other, non-burning reactions if you want. Burning is definitely best, but if Xiangling or your other Pyro sub-DPS is on another team, plain Dendro application Emilie is a solid enough choice.
Emilie normal attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear
This is the usual set of polearm attacks – four consecutive strikes for the basic, a decently powerful strike for the charged, and a moderately strong plunge attack.
Emilie elemental skill: Fragrance Extraction
Emilie places a Lumidouce Case on the field that deals Dendro damage in an area of effect with Puffs of Puredew. If burning enemies are nearby, the case extracts Scent from them every two seconds and levels up from level one to level two after collecting two Scent stacks. A powered-up case fires one additional Puredew, and its damage increases.
The case stays active for 22 seconds, and the skill’s cooldown is 14 seconds, which means you can keep it going continuously as long as Emilie remains conscious.

Emilie elemental burst: Aromatic Explication
Emilie creates a level three Lumidouce Case and removes any existing cases from the field. This case collects no Scent, but it does puff out Scented Dew every 0.3 seconds that affects nearby targets. Once the burst’s duration ends – after about three seconds – Emilie automatically creates a level one Lumidouce Case without using her skill.
Emilie passive talents
Emilie’s passives encourage you to play to her burning style and to keep her on-field as a main-DPS, at least for a little while.
- First passive – Headspace Capture: Grants the party an 85 percent burning damage reduction while a Lumidouce Case is active
- Second passive – Lingering Fragrance: When a level two Lumidouce Case collects two Scent stacks, it releases Cleardew Cologne – a cloud of Dendro that deals Dendro damage equal to 600 percent of Emilie’s attack to nearby enemies
- Third passive – Rectification: Emilie deals additional damage to burning enemies, an extra 15 percent damage for every 1,000 attack she has for a maximum of 36 percent
Genshin Impact Emilie talent priorities
Emilie's burst might deal the most damage, but her skill is what will stay active more often - well, comparatively speaking. With an energy cost of 50, Emilie can fire off her burst more frequently than most characters. Level her skill and burst together, but if you're running short on materials, prioritize her skill.
- Skill
- Burst
- Normal attack

Emilie materials for ascension
Emilie uses a handful of items you've likely gathered plenty of in Fontaine, along with a boss drop she shares with Arlecchino.
Level | Items | Cost in Mora |
20 | 1 Nagadus Emerald Sliver, 3 Meshing Gear, 3 Lakelight Lily | 20,000 |
40 | 3 Nagadus Emerald Fragment, 15 Meshing Gear, 10 Lakelight Lily, 2 Fragment of a Golden Melody | 40,000 |
50 | 6 Nagadus Emerald Fragment, 12 Mechanical Spur Gear, 20 Lakelight Lily, 4 Fragment of a Golden Melody | 60,000 |
60 | 3 Nagadus Emerald Chunk, 18 Mechanical Spur Gear, 30 Lakelight Lily, 8 Fragment of a Golden Melody | 80,000 |
70 | 6 Nagadus Emerald Chunk, 12 Artificed Dynamic Gear, 45 Lakelight Lily, 12 Fragment of a Golden Melody | 100,000 |
80 | 6 Nagadus Emerald Gemstone, 24 Artificed Dynamic Gear, 60 Lakelight Lily, 20 Fragment of a Golden Melody | 120,000 |
Nagadus Emerald Dendro gemstones come from the Dendro Hypostasis and Jadeplume Terrorshroom normal bosses and the Guardian of Apep's Oasis weekly boss. None of them have Emilie's boss drop or talent item, though.
Gear items
drop from Meka enemies in Fontaine. It's impossible not to run into them, especially in the western and Liffey regions, though if you're struggling to find some, track them in your adventure guide to make it easier. You can also exchange Stardust for gears in the Paimon's Bargains tab of the in-game shop.Lakelight Lily is a Fontaine local speciality that only grows in the Erinnyes Forest area of Fontaine, which is east of Marcotte Station. Our Lakelight Lily locations guide points out where to find them all.
Fragment of a Golden Melody is Emilie's boss drop item, and it comes from the Statue of Marble and Brass under Petrichor in Fontaine.

Emilie ascension materials total
Here's what that all those materials add up to.
- 1 Nagadus Emerald Sliver
- 6 Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
- 9 Nagadus Emerald Fragment
- 9 Nagadus Emerald Chunk
- 18 Meshing Gear
- 30 Mechanical Spur Gear
- 36 Artificed Dynamic Gear
- 46 Fragment of a Golden Melody
- 168 Lakelight Lily
- 420,000 Mora
Emilie talent materials
Emilie needs even more gears for her talents, so make tracking down Meka foes a priority while you're leveling her up.
Level | Materials | Cost in Mora |
2 | 3 Teachings of Order, 6 Meshing Gear | 12,500 |
3 | 2 Guide to Order, 3 Mechanical Spur Gear | 17,500 |
4 | 4 Guide to Order, 4 Mechanical Spur Gear | 25,000 |
5 | 6 Guide to Order, 6 Mechanical Spur Gear | 30,000 |
6 | 9 Guide to Order, 9 Mechanical Spur Gear | 37,500 |
7 | 4 Philosophies of Order, 4 Artificed Dynamic Gear, 1 Silken Feather | 120,000 |
8 | 6 Philosophies of Order, 6 Artificed Dynamic Gear, 1 Silken Feather | 260,000 |
9 | 12 Philosophies of Order, 9 Artificed Dynamic Gear, 2 Silken Feather | 450,000 |
10 | 16 Philosophies of Order, 12 Artificed Dynamic Gear, 2 Silken Feather, 1 Crown of Insight | 700,000 |

Order books come from the Pale Forgotten Glory domain in Fontaine on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Arlecchino weekly boss may drop Silken Feather, though if you get something else from him, you can transmute it into the strings at an alchemy table.
Emilie talent materials total
If you want to fully level one of Emilie's talents, it'll cost:
- 1 Crown of Insight
- 3 Teachings of Order
- 6 Meshing Gear
- 6 Silken Feather
- 21 Guide to Order
- 22 Mechanical Spur Gear
- 31 Artificed Dynamic Gear
- 38 Philosophies of Order
- 1,652,500 Mora
If you're saving up Primogems and materials for future Genshin Impact banners, check out our up-do-date list of Genshin Impact codes for some free Primogems.