The Chaosdivers are apparently now part of the community's lore, complete with their own logo and mission statement.
HELLDIVING-READY 11 things I wish I knew before starting Helldivers 2
We’ve rounded up a few basic, and very advanced Helldivers 2 tips for veteran divers, and newcomers alike.
JOIN THE WAR EFFORT Thanks to Helldivers 2, tricking normal people into role-playing has never been easier
For now it's fighting for democracy. I'll have these chumps playing wizards and making goblin sounds in 3 months max.
"As many of you have pointed out, and we agree, what matters most now is action. Not talk."

Rapid Action | Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead addresses Escalation of Freedom update backlash by unveiling 60 day plan to fix things like flamethrowers and ragdolling

Your Move, Joel. | Helldivers 2 players continue to call Arrowhead's bluff by letting the bots advance, but they're still seemingly on track in the current MO

Ruh Roh | Helldivers 2 players are so unhappy with the Escalation of Freedom update, they're doing the unthinkable: letting the Automatons win

No One's Happy | It's not just Helldivers 2 players that're disappointed with how the Escalation of Freedom update's played out, Arrowhead's CEO says many devs are too

The Fire Rages On | Helldivers 2's recent Steam reviews slide down to mixed amid nerf backlash, and Arrowhead's "having a lot of internal discussions about the best course of action"

It's Happened Again | Helldivers 2 nerf controversy's back on the menu, as players unleash a firestorm of negative reviews and Arrowhead CEO promises more tweaks

Fresh Tweaks | Helldivers 2's Escalation of Freedom update is now live, and it comes with some fresh weapon balancing tweaks that're good news for crossbow lovers

You'll Be Mine | Sorry, Helldivers 2 players who're anti getting anti-tank mines, Arrowhead's seemingly using the latest Major Order to force them into your arsenal

It's Him, The Guy! | As another Helldivers 2 MO comes down to the wire, Arrowhead's finally shown us its mysterious game master, and it seems like he can use The Force

Golden Advice | Helldivers 2 CEO takes on 'humble nerd' form to ask Super Earth's 'digital gold' hoarders for pitches about fitting resources into long-term progression

Twisted Firestarter | Helldivers 2's Freedom’s Flame Warbond deploys soon, and that sound you can hear is Super Earth pyromaniacs blasting The Prodigy

Mid-Assault Adoption | Oh boy, Helldivers 2's Escalation of Freedom update already has would-be Super parents brainstorming Terminid baby names

We're So Hellback | Wahey, Helldivers 2 Escalation of Freedom, the game's "biggest update yet", will let you go on an uber-hard Super Helldive soon

They're At It Again | Want to get in on Helldivers 2's latest Major Order? You'd better hurry, as it's about killing a billion bugs and over a hundred million are already toast

Last Gasp Gain | After Helldivers 2 players clutched the latest Major Order with less than an hour left, Arrowhead's temporarily pulled the trigger on free mechs

Super Earth-io | Helldivers 2 has been transformed into a 16-bit arcade classic via a demake concept, and its creators would be open to making it a proper mini-game
Hot Off The Press | Some info about Helldivers 2's next warbond looks to have leaked via misbehaving PlayStation notifications

No Comment | Helldivers 2 dataminers reckon they've uncovered a mission about defending Super Earth's president, and we're taping our mouths shut to avoid inappropriate jokes

Review Bombed | "Just. Make. Bomb. Go. Boom." - Helldivers 2's 500KG bomb is back in the firing line after a recent order

Art Of War | Helldivers 2's latest Major Order is finally letting its armchair General Brasches see if their battle plans would make Sun Tzu facepalm

Annnnnd, It's Gone | Did you dare to go offline and live in the real world last night? Sucks to be you as you probably missed an entire Helldivers 2 Major Order

Divers Liberated | Helldivers 2's latest hotfix aims to free those trapped in infinite drop-in jail, as Arrowhead teases info on next warbond is coming "soonish"

Help From On High | Don't worry, even Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead's CEO has joined the campaign against patching out its lifesaving mid-air salutes

Super Salute | Helldivers 2 players have finally found an in-game quirk they don't want Arrowhead to patch out - lifesaving mid-air salutes and hugs

Boom Banter | Helldivers 2 players might be getting some fresh weaponry from the first game soon, cue a bunch of memes about anti-tank mines

Illu-moonate | Oh boy, Helldivers 2's latest Major Order might lead to Super Earth getting its mitts on a "powerful interplanetary battle station"

Tinker Timing | Helldivers 2 might be getting a fresh hotfix with more performance fixes this week, but 'no sulking if there isn't one'

New Stuff Needed? | As Helldivers 2 slides down to about 10% of its player number peak on Steam, those left are torn as to how Arrowhead should try to right the ship

Mind Your Mines | As more bugs are uncovered, Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead reminds players that not every datamine is worth getting excited about

The Bugs Are Back | Helldivers 2 players are headed back to the bug front, as Arrowhead teases giving Game Master Joel more tools to mess with Super Earth

Spears Crossed | Helldivers 2 just got a fresh patch, and we're holding our breath that it'll finally break the spear's curse for good

Stick To The Plan | Helldivers 2's latest Major Order has the Automatons coming for Malevelon Creek, and naturally it's already reignited the real war

Tree-son! | Uh oh, Helldivers 2's latest Major Order might come a cropper at the last minute, because people are too busy climbing trees

Spear My Emotions | Sorry, long-suffering Helldivers 2 spear lovers, after being briefly fixed, it's now causing crashes

Packed Schedule | Helldivers 2's devs are looking into enemy spawn rates and making superior packing work as intended again

Band of Balancers | "We're not micromanaged by our CCO" - as Helldivers 2's last big patch earns praise, Arrowhead reiterates that it wasn't a one person job

Stop! Stimmer Time! | As Helldivers 2 players splatter bug babies, the cause of its sprinting issue might finally have been found

Sorry Not Sorry | "Sorry bro" but a Helldivers 2 story mode is "not happening"

Divers Down | "All planets are now Malevelon Creek" - Helldivers 2 players reckon the latest patch may have delivered a difficulty spike
Lots of Reading | Huge Helldivers 2 patch finally arrives, with a barrage of weapon balancing tweaks and an entire separate post to help explain them

No Cape Left Behind | Helldivers 2 major order wants players to save some kids - their response? Sure, if you give us a new cape

Patching You In, Sir | Helldivers 2's next patch arrives later this week with over 100 changes and fixes, including visible supply lines and invite-only lobbies

Persistent Carnage | Starship Troopers: Extermination's official release has a mechanic that's long been on my Helldivers 2 wishlist

Camo Costumes Coming | Helldivers 2's devs are changing their warbond approach, and the next one, Viper Commandos, drops soon

Rad Reinforcements | Forget mechs, a new Helldivers 2 mod gives Fallout's T-60 power armour to Super Earth's forces

Illumi-nice Threads | Helldivers 2 gets cool Fallout, Titanfall 2, and Lethal Company crossovers thanks to a new modding tool

Return Of The Jedi | Helldivers 2's Star Wars Clone Wars mod pack took "eight weeks of brute force" to make, and its creators aren't done

VOID GAZING | Helldivers 2 players destroy Meridia, left staring into the void waiting to see if the Illuminate will arrive