How to craft Dragon's Dogma 2 Fruit Roborant recipe
A few simple ingredients get you one of the best early-game restoratives
Crafting Dragon’s Dogma 2 Fruit Roborant is a fundamental action you’ll want to get in the habit of doing whenever you have the ingredients at hand. It’s a useful restorative that won’t spoil, unlike some materials, and you need it for an important early-game quest as well.
We’ve outlined how to craft Fruit Roborant in Dragon’s Dogma 2, including where to find the ingredients and what the Roborant item does for you.
What is Fruit Roborant in Drgon’s Dogma 2?
Roborant is a ye olde word for any kind of “medication” with a restorative effect, so Fruit Roborant is literally a healing item made from fruit (and other ingredients). It restores a bit more health than the Salubrious Draught, so keeping some around at all times is a smart idea.

Crafting Fruit Roborant is also an easy way to get something out of perishable ingredients – like fruit – that will just go rotten after an in-game day if you leave them unused.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Fruit Roborant crafting recipe
You need 1 Greenwatch and 1 stack of fruit to craft Fruit Roborant. Greenwatch is a common plant you can find pretty much anywhere, and you probably have it on you by the time you get to Melve. If not, head out of the village and search around any of the nearby plants with the telltale sheen of collectible items. If you use the “Go” command for your Pawns, they should run off and collect any nearby materials for you.
You can also use Morningtide, a similar green plant found further south in Vermund.
Apples are the most common fruit around Melve, though you can also use cranberries and grapes. Any fruit will do in the recipe, though you need to turn your fruits into dried fruit instead, by combining two of them. Dried fruit won't spoil, so you can use it whenever.

Anyway, once you're ready to craft, open the items menu, and press “Square” on your DualSense or “X” on your Xbox controller to switch to the crafting pane. Pick your items, and craft however many you want. Alternatively, you can change the view to show all your known crafting recipes and pick what you need from there.
You can sometimes find Fruit Roborant after defeating enemies as well. As with most enemy drops, it seems like a 50/50 chance that you’ll find anything at all and an even smaller chance that what you find turns out to be Fruit Roborant. Your best bet – whether you need it for personal use or for the Medicament Predicament quest – is to just make it yourself.
And you should be doing that quest. As we outlined in our Medicament Predicament guide, you end up with some very useful rewards, including shop discounts and an item that instructs your Pawn to heal the party if they can.
If you're after more Dragon's Dogma 2 help, check out our guides for how to know when you're in a timed quest and how to fast travel around the vast open world.