Type Soul codes for August 2024
Type codes for Type Soul rewards.
13th August 2024: We added new Type Soul codes.
Type Soul is a Roblox game based on the popular anime series Bleach. The experience originally launched around the time that Part 2 of the Thousand Year Blood War anime began, which was perfect timing for anyone hyped about the latest Bleach anime.
Type Soul then received a major update in the run-up to the game's first anniversary, which - among other things - let you choose your character type straight away. Each playstyle has its own unique abilities and progression, which will impact your experience going forward. If you need a hand building your character, you can use some Type Soul codes to help you out. Codes offer a variety of freebies like Soul Tickets and Blue Pills which are used to reset your build, as well as Weapon and Element Rerolls.
Working Type Soul codes
Here are the working codes for Type Soul:
- teleportswentdown: (NEW!)
- anextracode
- leafystray
- mediarip://souls
- tamaforyoutamaforall
- weloveeduardo
- mre10kfollowers
- sorryfortheshutdowns
- helpeduardosmentalsanity
- itstypesoulfriday
- meditation
- vultures
- apologycode
- wereached400mvisits
- angrycanadian
- classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty
- cowoesorry
- cowoenuovaentvari
- eduardocarrying
- joshnosreppcristi
- happyfortuneentvariblessing
- streamericdoa
- tamayaren
- veil10k
- higuys
Expired Type Soul codes
- explodeincident
- tamastrikesagain
- oops
- cctokenfix
- mreessay
- qkidoexpansion
- tamacodesareback
- 200klikeswoah
- bararaqgbincident
- codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak
- idontdotheseoften
- reallycooloriginalcodename
- windwake
- newbosseswow
- blazblueincident
- doomaroomeneverexisted
- latenightbruh
- whereiskendoweapondude
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate
- latenightfightnight
- cristiqol
- whatdoesheevendo
- 300mvisits
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw
- nuovarandomcode
- tama62121
- cristi10k
- tamarandomcode
- timetravellermistake
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace
- gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin
- thisisnotsigma
- causethatstheupdateineed
- ermwhatthetypesoul
- yurrrrlistenman
- thereisnosuchthing
- tweakinpostupdate
- hellopiety
- abracadabra
- hqrsepowered
- arrogantecristi5k
- 2weekdelaywoah
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest
- imnotnamingitthat
- 500kdiscmemberswoo
- lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol
- thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim
- quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode
- 7staredwardnewgate
- AllAccordingToCake
- canyougiftmeacinmightyomega
- ineedasacredscrollindemonhuntertm
- petgod101
- code1
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed
- tamaverified
- brovisitedhisfriends
- 350mvisitsalright
- myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp
- myrobloxneedstostopcrashing
- oopscybers
- ermwhattthetypesoul
- entvari10k
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou
- sorryhopethishelps
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate
- setroboominda
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame
- hakudanerfafter1000years
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere
- cursedgearruinsfriendships
- cyberpoint
- davehashit10kwow
- thekiraeventparttwo
- thekiraevent
- Benihimebuff
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld
- almightyeye
- breathlesspumpkle
- tsugokusenku
- somethingrandom
- canyouwrap
- mobileflashpd
- johnboomingg
- robloxban
- avengerlevelthreat
- threatneutralized
- 100mlikes
- afkworld
- lightsegunda
- robotcowoe
- soulianstreak
- rankedseason2
- balancedbalance
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking
- johnbooming
- kamehamehax3
- khaoticyachty
- luisvonmarco
- nuovaprimadon
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuckwithacid
- supasta
- awesomesauce
- badquincy
- bloodedged
- cowoe10k
- delayedwhoops
- devilgene
- doomatearoom
- drakos10k
- eduardobrg10k
- happyeaster
- khaotic10k
- nuova10k
- nuovalovesquincy
- ohwowcool
- quickshutdown
- quincyktillmybonesdecay
- sorry4ranked3
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee
- spiritgun
- sundayupdate
- woahreal
- joedame
- jayomalawfirm
- 100kfavourites
- 100kfavourites
- 10klikes
- 20klikes
- 35klikes
- 3shikaireroll
- 55klikes
- 80Klikes
- apologyforlate
- championship
- championshipandmasteryboxes
- clanwarupdate
- contentcoming
- eduardobrg
- fixedoldcode
- happyhalloween
- haveagoodday
- latenightupdate
- mainmenufixes
- middayfixes
- midtermsover
- newclangamesoon
- newclanwargame
- newcodeoldbugged
- newgame
- resetclan
- segundanextupdate
- shikaireroll
- shutdownsrry
- slowpace
- soonupdates
- sorryfordelays
- sorryforshutdown
- sorryforthat
- tamaiscool
- thehonoredone
- tradehub
- triplethreat
- tyforfollows
- updatecomingsoon
- watermelon
- weareback
How to redeem Type Soul codes
Not sure how to redeem codes in Type Soul? The first thing you'll need to do is level up your character a bit. If your level is too low you won't be able to redeem Type Soul codes.
Once you've powered up your character and reached the required level, here's how you can redeem codes in Type Soul:
- Launch Type Soul in Roblox.
- Once you're in-game look for the row of buttons in the top left.
- Click the button with the gift box icon on the far left.
- This will open up a codes screen with a textbox.
- Type a code into the textbox and then press the 'Enter' key.

If you've entered in a valid code, a notification will appear on screen letting you know what rewards you've received. But if you get an 'invalid' error message, then that means the code is no longer working. Codes for Roblox games don't last forever so if you see a code you're interested in for Type Soul make sure you redeem it quickly.
Looking for help with other anime-inspired Roblox games? Check out our list of Blox Fruits codes, Attack on Titan Revolution codes and Hunter Era codes. If you need help with other Roblox games, head to our Dress To Impress codes and Untitled Boxing Game codes pages.