SEGA Corporation

TOUGH MEMORIES | Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth has reignited the never-ending fan debate about Kazuma Kiryu's toughest foe
You’re all wrong by the way, it’s Kazuma Kiryu himself.

FORGOTTEN WEALTH | Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth's Japanese talk radio may prove RGG remembers Yakuza 5's forgotten protagonist
We haven’t forgotten about you, Shinada, you wonderful baseball man.

SEEEEGA | SEGA announces they're making a new Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Crazy Taxi, and more in one trailer
Shown off at The Game Awards, a lot of new SEGA games are on the way.

Like A Scumbag | Yakuza series' GOG release removed credits for PC port devs and series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi
Nagoshi left Ryu Ga Gotoku to form his own studio in 2021.

THE OFFSPRING | Can bad games have good sequels?
In contrast to Hollywood, videogames usually improve with every iteration. The Best Games Ever Show Episode 54

SYMBOLIC | Metal Gear Solid Δ looks pretty goofy written down, but which games have worse titles?
What's in a name? Loads, actually. The Best Games Ever Show Episode 53