Where to get Castalia in Sword of Convallaria
Castalia lets you make overpowered builds in Sword of Convallaria, but how do you get any?
Castalia is an important but enigmatic resource in Sword of Convallaria, which is vital to crafting the best builds with your strongest characters.
Castalia allows your characters to learn both skills on a single level of the Rank Skill Tree, removing the need to prioritize one skill over another and letting you craft great all-round movesets.
However, Castalia can only be purchased with the real money currency in Sword of Convallaria, Astral Gems, or obtained freely in very small amounts in very specific circumstances.
Does that sound like pay-to-win? You bet it does! Although, spending Castalia isn’t actually all that worth it on all but the rarest and most powerful characters on the Sword of Convallaria Tier List (where Inanna has to choose between Princess’s Comfort and Guard springs to mind).
That means you can probably just about get by on the meagre drip feed of Castalia you can gather from gameplay, and these are the places you need to look!
Where to get Castalia in Sword of Convallaria
You can collect “free” Castalia in the following places:
- From the Star Collection reward track in the Fool’s Journey campaign (complete stages with a 3-star rating)
- Clash Quests which unlock after Chapter 2, Stage 5
- Complete Challenge Quests in the Voyage Momento menu by completing stages in the Fool's Journey
- There’s one Castalia at Lv 45 on the Cornucopia Season Pass track
- There’s one Castalia at Lv 25 on the premium Col’s Promise season track
- There are three Castalia in the Beryl's Verdure Delight event board
- Then there are of course various bundles in the in-game shop

Currently, the Castalia bundles in the shop are expensive. The bundle of three Castalia costs $15.49, whereas the Monthly Summon bundle - which includes 30 spins alongside just one Castalia - comes in at a mighty $50.99.
Unlike other progression resources and event items like Wish Coupons, you can’t exchange Hope Luxites for Castalia in the shop. Given that, I think I’ll stick to the quest rewards - and as I say, there’s only a few characters who really benefit from Castalia anyway!
For some resources that are actually freely available though, check out our Sword of Convallaria codes page!