Sword of Convallaria Dantalion build guide
The right weapons and trinkets for Dantalion to dish out princely punishment
The best Sword of Convallaria Dantalion build is a little trickier to put together, as the right skills depend on how you use Dantalion and who else you have in your party. True to his nature as a Destroyer unit, Dantalion excels at throwing damage around at as many enemies as possible, though you can also give him a few support skills to keep the weakest in your party from falling too far behind.
Our Sword of Convallaria Dantalion build guide lays out his best skills, and the right weapons, Trinkets, and Tarot Whispers to help make Dantalion shine.
If you’re after more Sword of Convallaria help, check out our Maitha build, Gloria build, and Col build guides.
Sword of Convallaria Dantalion build
section class="table-of-contents">Sword of Convallaria Dantalion skills
Dantalion’s skill selection is an odd one. He’s frontloaded with some excellent picks, but then you have two sets of lackluster abilities in the middle that don’t really do much for him. Still, with the powerful, wide-ranging skills he gets otherwise, you won’t lack for ways to use him.
Dantalion’s passive, Path to Kingship, gives him a flat five percent attack and defense buff, and for every one character defeated in battle, he recovers one NRG and 20 percent of his HP. It’s a mighty self-sustain skill and good incentive to play aggressively, at least if you don’t have a defender or healer on your team.
Dantalion Rank 1 skill: Unsheathe
- Both skills are worth investing in if you have some extra Calastra, but if you have a defender, like Maitha, or healer on your team, you can get by without Inspired Healing. Unsheathe, however, is a must-have passive. Before Dantalion attacks, he deals magic damage equal to 40 percent of his physical attack, and if the target has a shield, Dantalion inflicts tier-two vulnerable status on them.

Dantalion Rank 3 skill: Daybreak
- Daybreak gives your Dantalion much more utility – and helps him fit better with other team members – than NRG-Depleting Blow. Daybreak dishes out 40 percent physical damage in a 3x2 area near Dantalion and blocks incoming healing for affected targets for two turns. That’s big in itself, but after the first blow, Dantalion attacks again, dealing magic damage equal to 40 percent of his physical attack and dispelling two buffs from the affected targets.
Dantalion Rank 5 skill: Air of Royalty
- Neither of Dantalion’s rank five skills is that impressive, since both only work under strict conditions. Tenacity reduces incoming damage by 25 percent, but only if the attack comes from a counter-role character. Air of Royalty reduces incoming melee damage by 30 percent. That has zero effect on ranged attacks or even melee weapon skills that have range greater than one tile, which Sword of Convallaria doesn’t count as melee damage. Still, Dantalion’s likely to be in the thick of things more often than not, so he’ll probably encounter more melee attacks anyway.
Dantalion Rank 7 skill: For Iria!
- Like with our recommendations for Col and Gloria, Dantalion’s rank seven skill depends on your team composition. For Iria offers a lot to your party, but only if it has several Iria characters. If so, it increases their attack by 10 percent and defense by 20 percent, and allies deal 20 percent more damage to enemies suffering from at least three debuffs.
- The thing is, Dantalion’s other rank seven skill, Destructive Storm, makes it easier to get that extra damage, and it’s just plain strong in general. Destructive Storm deals damage equal to 50 percent of Dantalion’s attack in a four-tile radius from Dantalion’s position, and it inflicts two level-two debuffs on all affected targets. It’s worth spending the extra Castalia on this one if you have it.
Dantalion Rank 9 skill: White Sword
- Both rank nine skills are just okay, but you’ll get more out of White Sword, since the other only works effectively if the target has a shield. White Sword sees Dantalion deal magic damage to a target that’s equal to 90 percent of his physical attack.

Dantalion Rank 11 skill: Endless Dawn
- Both of Dantalion’s capstone skills are powerful, but the one that will serve you best in most situations is Endless Dawn. Dantalion deals damage equal to 40 percent of his physical attack three times and then delivers three attacks, each dealing 50 percent magical damage in a 3x3 block. The magic part of this attack only hits the first enemy in each column of that block, knocks them back by two tiles, and dispels a buff.
Sword of Convallaria Dantalion weapons
Dantalion has a small handful of swords that suit his skillset well, including a few that are a bit easier to get than most.
- Newborn Blade: Gives Dantalion a three percent HP boost and an attack boost equal to five percent of his max HP.
- Glittering Sword: Increases Dantalion’s physical attack – perfect for all his skills, since even his magic attack skills scale on his physical attack.
- Cornucopia Dagger: This is probably his best-in-slot at present. It gives Dantalion a 70 percent chance of recovering 2 NRG if he starts a turn while healthy, and if he’s in the dying state, he has a 40 percent chance of recovering 30 percent of his HP.

Sword of Convallaria Dantalion Trinkets
Dantalion just needs to hit hard and stay alive, so any Trinket that buffs his attack and defense is worth experimenting with. However, it’s also worth considering some defense-oriented Trinkets to help keep Dantalion going longer. One Trinket that fits well with Air of Royalty is Mysterious Deflection Device, which slightly decreases incoming damage from ranged attacks. Coexist Armor decreases incoming damage in general, and Breeze Herb Compound Condensed Pill lets you take an instant action to heal yourself – useful in a tight place, which Dantalion might find himself in frequently.
Another strong pick, especially if you’re running For Iria, is the Mist Necklace. It inflicts a random debuff on an attacking character before they land their skill, though the downside is that it only activates once every five turns.
Sword of Convallaria Dantalion Tarot Whispers
Dantalion also has plenty of Tarot Whispers that suit his playstyle. One is the standard that every DPS-oriented character benefits from: Temptation of the Devil. It increases the equipping character’s attack and defense by three percent for every enemy defeated, up to a max of 30 percent. Silence of the Hermit is also helpful if you’re struggling to keep Dantalion’s health up, since it reduces all incoming damage by 10 percent.
If you’re after more damage, look no further than Dream of the Magician. This one increases damage dealt by eight percent, and for every additional enemy a skill hits, that skill’s damage increases by a further four percent, up to a total of 12 percent. Most of Dantalion’s attacks hit multiple enemies, so he almost always benefits from this set of buffs.
If you’re after more help, check out our Sword of Convallaria tier list and up-to-date Sword of Convallaria codes list for some freebies.