Sword of Convallaria Maitha build
A tank and a healer wrapped in one
The best Sword of Convallaria Maitha builds gives your team a hybrid tank and healer who can see you through most challenges – particularly impressive considering she’s a free Sword of Convallaria character. Better still, Maitha has several build options that work without top-tier weapons, so you can get her up and running without much grinding.
Our Sword of Convallaria Maitha build guide breaks down Maitha’s best weapons, skills trinkets, and Tarot Whispers.
Sword of Convallaria Maitha build
section class="table-of-contents">Sword of Convallaria Maitha skills
Almost all of Maitha’s rank-up skills are solid, though some have more broad utility than others – and one is ever so slightly misleading if you don’t pay attention to a certain tag.
Maitha Rank 1 skill: Guard
- Guard gives Maitha a chance to take a physical attack intended for a nearby character, and it raises her defense when that happens
Maitha Rank 3 skill: Come On, Everybody!
- Maitha’s Charge is a strong choice that deals heavy damage, but its long cooldown makes it tough to pick over this one. Come On, Everybody takes more energy, but the results are worth it. The skill restores 20 percent HP and gives nearby allies an attack and defense buff for two turns. It also gives Maitha the same effect as Guard, letting her take physical hits intended for allies within a two-tile space.
Maitha Rank 5 skill: Block Counter
- We’re picking Block Counter for a similar reason. Endurance is decent, but it has fewer applications and relies on Maitha’s or another character’s healing skills. Block Counter gives Maitha a 100 percent chance to trigger Block when attacked from the front or side, and she deals a counterstrike equal to 70 percent of her attack. It’s an excellent way to improve her passive as well, which only has a base 50 percent chance of granting the Block status.
Maitha Rank 7 skill: Bandage
- Both rank seven picks work, but Maitha’s Battle Flag of Convallaria is a leader aura. Leader aura effects don’t stack, so if you’re running another leader with a similar aura, such as Rawiyah, only one aura skill will remain active. Bandage is straightforward, but useful, as it instantly heals 30 percent of a single target’s HP. It does have a three-turn cooldown timer, though, so use it with care.

Maitha Rank 9 skill: Armor-Piercing Strike
- This one’s hardly a proper choice. Powerful Attack only adds 10 percent to her standard basic attack, so don’t bother with it. Armor-Piercing Strike, on the other hand, deals 100 percent of her attack as physical damage and lowers the target’s physical and magic defense for two turns.
Maitha Rank 11 skill: Invulnerable
- Maitha’s Combo might seem tempting, but it’s best to play to her strengths, which don’t include running her as a primary damage dealer. Invulnerable is the best choice here, thanks to its 40 percent damage reduction, disruption immunity, and the mind’s eye status, which lets Maitha respond with Block to an attack from behind.
Sword of Convallaria Maitha weapons
Maitha isn’t short on choices for weapons, and a few of her top picks help augment her already formidable abilities even further.
- Cornucopia Dagger: This one has some helpful passives. When Maitha starts her turn as “healthy,” she has a 40 percent chance of recovering two energy, which is convenient since she uses so much energy. If Maitha is dying, she has a 40 percent chance of recovering 30 percent of her HP. The downside is that the skill has a three-turn cooldown after activating.
- Senator Swift Sword: The Swift Sword inflicts a movement debuff similar to the one Maitha’s Leg Strike skill causes, and it has the added bonus of increasing Maitha’s HP by three percent.
- Dueling Daggers: Dueling Daggers is popular among the community at present, though it is, admittedly, rather basic. It just increases Maitha’s defense by five percent when a foe attacks from the front or side. The buff is helpful, but Maitha gets plenty of buffs from her skills.
- Newborn Blade: You can get this one for free, so it’s a good choice to start with, even if it is basic. The Newborn Blade increases HP by five percent and gives the user a physical attack buff equal to three percent of their total HP.

Sword of Convallaria Maitha Trinkets
You have a few useful options for Maitha’s Trinkets, including a solid Epic-grade piece that increases her defense. However, one thing you’ll want to consider is that Maitha’s kit only raises her physical defense. If magic users are among your enemy’s ranks, she’s in trouble.
- Fancy Hat: Fancy Hat gives the wearer disruption immunity, and when they’re healthy, they get a three percent magic defense buff. Three percent is pretty small, but what makes it worthwhile is that it lasts as long as the wearer remains healthy.
- Shroud of Void: Shroud of Void reduces incoming magic damage by 50 percent, which is impressive, but it only works one time for two turns each battle, which is less impressive. If you’re up against a specific magical threat, though, you can’t beat this one.
- Coexist Armor: Coexist Armor is a solid choice that decreases how much damage the wearer takes by five percent when they’re healthy – simple, but effective and always useful.
Sword of Convallaria Maitha Tarot Whisper
There’s only one worthwhile Tarot Whisper choice as of Sword of Convallaria’s launch, and that’s Silence of the Hermit. It decreases how much damage the wearer takes by 10 percent, which is strong on its own and even better pared with something like Coexist Armor.
If you’re after more help, check out our Sword of Convallaria tier list and up-to-date Sword of Convallaria codes list for some freebies.