What are Wish Coupons in Sword of Convallaria?
Wish Coupons are a confusing premium currency in Sword of Convallaria, here's what they do and where to get more!
While there’s plenty of engrossing story to play through and tactical battles to mull over in Sword of Convallaria, it’s still a Gacha game at heart, with a dizzying array of different stores and currencies.
One of the more confusing currencies in Sword of Convallaria is Wish Coupons. These are event specific items which unlock a series of choice rewards, sometimes including new skins for top characters (if you’re very, very lucky).
You’re given a few Wish Coupons for free when you log in and expend energy completing story missions, however you’re going to need a lot more than that if you want the top prize!
Here’s everything you need to know about Wish Coupons in Sword of Convallaria.
What do you get from Wish Coupons in Sword of Convallaria?
First up, Wish Coupons are used in the event menu to enter a lottery-style mini-game where you exchange the Coupons for a random prize from the board. This includes Secret Fate for summoning characters, Endurance potions for letting you play longer, consumables like Common XP and even a random Legendary Trinket for equipping your characters.
However, the jackpot prize for the game’s first cycle is a skin for the Destroyer type witch, Beryl - a legendary rarity character - giving her an Alice in Wonderland-style Through the Looking-Glass dress.
You are guaranteed to get the top prize within 13 wishes, but the amount of Coupons you need rises with each Wish. Your first Wish costs 1 Coupon, then your second costs 2, and it keeps going up. This means the full 13 wishes could cost you 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28 Coupons respectively.
What’s more, you can’t get the jackpot prize on your first 3 Wishes - there’s literally a 0% chance. From the 4th Coupon you have a small chance of winning the skin.
Once you win the skin, you’ll move onto the 2nd board, with different prizes.
How do you get more Wish Coupons in Sword of Convallaria?
You can get a meagre drip of Wish Coupons by completing the Event Quests (logging in and expending energy completing story).
However, you can also buy Wish Coupons from the regular tab of the in-game shop. They cost 50 Hope Luxites each.
You get Hope Luxites from playing, but you can purchase them with real money too. First you need to buy Astral Gems, which are then swapped for Hope Luxites. This is a common tactic in free-to-play games to obfuscate the amount of real money you’re actually spending per purchase.
Which makes sense with Wish Coupons, because when 60 Astral Gems cost $1 (and therefore 60 Hope Luxites costs $1), you’re spending $1 per Wish Coupon with an extra one “free” using the leftover for every 5 you buy.

In practice if you were going to purchase the Wish Coupons you wouldn’t buy the smallest bundle 23 times to get 28 Wish Coupons - but the point stands, it’s extremely expensive if you get unlucky enough to need all 13 tries.
You’d need a total of 148 Wish Coupons to buy every spot on the Event board, which is 7400 Hope Luxites. To buy outright, that’s one lot of 3280 Luxites (which is doubled on your first purchase) plus another of 980. That’d set you back around $65, which is an expensive skin if you ask me.
Like I said, you’re not going to be buying every square ideally - but if you did, it’d be a surprisingly big purchase.
Maybe you’d rather spend that on characters? And there are plenty to choose from! Here’s our Sword of Convallaria character list if you just want to know who’s actually in the game, or you can check out our Sword of Convallaria tier list to learn about the best of the best!
Or if you're in need of more resources, here are our Sword of Convallaria codes!