Diablo IV
Sanctuary is calling you once again, with a never-ending stream of demons ready and waiting to face you.
Diablo 4 is the fourth mainline entry in Blizzard's action RPG series, and brings with it a new open-world and procedurally generated dungeons.
COMING IN HOT Diablo 4 review: The road to hell is paved with reinventions
Diablo is back with much of the same quality we've been pining for. But in a world with Path of Exile and other competitors, is Blizzard still the king of hell?
Uniques will matter once again in Diablo 4 with the arrival of Season 5: Season of the Infernal Hordes, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
ROLLING D4 Diablo 4 Game Pass launch time, how to play it on PC and which realm to choose
The Diablo 4 on Game Pass dream is real, and we're here to tell you how you can get in on it.
A Rogue Roll How a Baldur’s Gate 3 modder who’d never played a "known" roguelike ended up turning Larian’s RPG into one
"There is still a lot that hasn't been done with the current tools."

Redefining Hell | Watch Blizzard talk Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR effect, and what's happening to Uniques here today

Hellish Drops | Diablo 4 Season of the Infernal Hordes kicks off next week, and it’s bringing 50 pieces of new gear, a new horde mode-style co-op activity, and more

Unique Love | Diablo 4 may be in for a wild Season 5, at least when it comes to Uniques

Closer and Closer | Blizzard will talk Diablo 4 Season 5, and how the recent PTR will affect the upcoming season next week

Pal to Crus to... ? | Yes, Blizzard knows you want a sword-and-board class in Diablo 4 but no, the Spiritborn is not it

Hatred Anew | Everyone agrees Vessel of Hatred is going to change Diablo 4's level cap, but no one is sure about the specifics

Martial, Mystical | Spiritborn is the acrobatic new Diablo 4 class that calls upon four spirit animal buddies

High Spirits | Diablo 4's first new class is being revealed today - watch the show here

Spiritdate | Stop what you're doing - our first look at Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred's new Spiritborn class is coming this week

Keep on Rockin' | Selling boss summoning items in Diablo 4 now makes more sense, and figuring out Tempered affixes categories is less confusing

Burning Tirade | Oh good, the Diablo 4 boss with the worst timing has a new variant

A Rogue Roll | How a Baldur’s Gate 3 modder who’d never played a "known" roguelike ended up turning Larian’s RPG into one

Don't Laugh! | Oh my god, this tiny Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR change finally fixes one of my biggest pet peeves

Infernal Return | Diablo 4 Season 5 is sending players back to Hell, and you can get a taste in the PTR tomorrow
Return of the PTR | Watch Blizzard detail why the PTR is coming back for Diablo 4's Season 5

Do You Booth-er? | Xbox will be whipping out its "biggest booth yet" at Gamescom 2024, while PlayStation and Nintendo give the show a miss

PTR Habit | The Diablo 4 PTR is coming back for Season 5, and we're gonna find out why this Friday

Surprise Pet | Diablo 4 has pets now, and Spiritborn class gameplay will be shown off for the first time next month

Spiritborn | Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred coming October - watch the opening cinematic

elephant | Path of Exile 2 director speaks on Diablo 4's release - "it confirmed other choices I already believed in"

Reserved Judgement | Diablo 4 Season 4 is fun, but Blizzard is running out of time to make Seasons matter

HAPPY BIRTHDAY | Diablo 4's anniversary celebration brings free cosmetics, more Treasure Goblins than you may have seen before

DIABLO 4 2.0 | Diablo 4 Season 4 Loot Reborn off to a good start as players celebrate it like a fresh launch

LOVE BURNS ETERNAL | Diablo 4 community falls in love with lead developer after one livestream

IS IT ENOUGH? | Yup, Diablo 4's Season 4 is as light on content as it sounds, but the Season Journey has one neat new addition

SEASON 4 REVEAL | Watch Blizzard make a case for Diablo 4 Season 4 in today's post-PTR developer stream

THAT IT? | Diablo 4 Season 4 is actually called Loot Reborn, but boy does it sound light on content

INARIU-SERIOUS? | Diablo, are you okay?

ALMOST TIME | Diablo 4: Blizzard will finally tell us what it learned from the PTR, and reveal Season 4 this week

BLOODY GOOD TV | A Diablo show isn't in the works, but the head of the series certainly likes the idea of one

STOPPING THE SIFTING | Diablo 4 PTR's best feature has me more excited about Season 4 than I’ve ever been – and it’s not even the better loot

PTR-FIED | Diablo 4's Season 4 PTR somehow attracted players who never played past seasons, probably because of how big the changes were

ASHEARA COMPANY | The Diablo 4 PTR has been datamined and it looks like Diablo 2's famed Iron Wolves may return in Season 4

NEW GAME WHO DIS | Activision Blizzard is hiring senior staff for a brand-new game

PTR-READY | Diablo 4: everything you need to know about next week's PTR launch, and how to get in on it

LILITH PERSPECTIVE | Diablo 4 deserves a lot of the flack it gets, but anyone jumping into today's Game Pass launch shouldn’t care

ROLLING D4 | Diablo 4 Game Pass launch time, how to play it on PC and which realm to choose
PRAISE BE! | Diablo 4's Season 4 and its loot changes are so massive, Blizzard pushed it back by a month

YOU IN? | Watch Blizzard tell you why you should care about Diablo 4's next season and its loot overhaul today

PTR BECKONS | Blizzard's next big Diablo 4 livestream will talk game's first Public Test Realm, huge loot overhauls, and Season 4

GAAS-LIGHTING | That one live service game you begrudgingly like? It's probably just as bad as all the others, you just need an intervention

GAUNTLET'S RIFT | Diablo 4’s Gauntlet finally arrives next week, but there’s more here than just an endgame dungeon

GAUNTLET TRIAL | Watch Diablo 4's (maybe?) final stream of the delayed Gauntlet and Trials here

LOOK WHO'S BACK | Blizzard will finally show off Diablo 4's Trials and the Gauntlet this week

TIME AND AGAIN | Diablo 4 rival Last Epoch is finally out - but was it worth the wait?

YOUR KEY TO HELL | Diablo 4 heats up the Eternal Conflict on Game Pass this March

INSULT TO INJURY | Diablo 4 is selling portal reskins for almost half the price of the full game

ONE PERCENT BUFF | Tomorrow's Diablo 4 patch adds a new feature, shame it's not one the vast majority of players will care about

RNG-DOING | The dismal state of Diablo 4, Season 3 plays right into the hand of its next big competitor – Last Epoch